
Enchanted Moon By Ruth Francis-Foster

Enchanted Moon is a book of pagan poetry written by Ruth Francis-Foster.
Its priced at £4.99 and all proceeds are going to Ruth's local Stray Cat Rescue centre which desperately needs all the help it can get! 

If you would like to buy one and in doing so help those wonderful furry beings, feel free to send an e-mail to Ruth on her mail address which is and she will give you all the details you need to know for the purchase.

Blessed be  )O(

Friday 15 October 2010 at 05:26 , 0 Comments

Spiritual Happiness By Elizabeth Farrell

When many of us try to define happiness, we often equate it with such things as financial security, getting married, having friends or material abundance. Society often tells us, in a myriad of subtle and not so subtle ways, that happiness comes from something outside ourselves. If we make more money, lose weight, buy the newest electronic gadget, etc., etc., we will be happier people. But, in reality, that's not the case. Because happiness, true happiness, comes from within ourselves. This deep happiness that resides within us can be known as spiritual happiness.

Spiritual happiness is characterized by an easy, flowing joy, along with contentment, gratitude and self-acceptance. When a person is spiritually happy, they are in tune with themselves as well as the world around them. They live in harmony with the flow of life, and are aware that life holds a much deeper meaning than what appears on the surface. For many people, it may seem that spiritual happiness is impossible to achieve. But through deeper awareness and daily practice, this can become a natural state of being.

A Brief Note- Because there are a wide variety of beliefs and religions in the world, higher source is referred to by many different names such as God, Creator, Allah, Source, etc. For the sake of simplicity, this higher source will be referred to as God in this article.

Know Who You Are
An important part of spiritual happiness is understanding who you are, and learning to respect your own, unique self. We are all expressions of God, by whichever name we recognize God to be, and you are no different. Honor that expression by understanding your nature, and nurturing the gifts and qualities God has given you. When you understand and respect yourself, you're able to live more harmoniously with the world around you.

Remember Your Essence
As you get to know who you are as a person, take it a step further by remembering your essence. Also known as your soul, your essence goes beyond your appearance and personality to who you really are. It is the true You that is always at one with creation. Rather than looking outward for approval, attention, riches, etc., get in touch with the wealth of wisdom and love within your soul. This is best done in a state of stillness, such as meditation or quiet contemplation. When you remember your essence, you deepen your connection with God, thus tapping into the infinite source of joy and love.

Be Thankful
As humans, we often fall into the habit of comparing ourselves with others, and focusing on what we're lacking. These comparisons, and the sense of lack, can leave us feeling dissatisfied and spiritually disconnected. But gratitude has a way of bringing our focus to what is truly important. It softens the heart, letting contentment and joy enter the soul. Count your blessings every day, no matter how small that blessing may seem. Make it a habit to say "thank you" to God when you awaken in the morning. Focus on what is good in your life, rather than falling into the habit of comparing.

Find Happiness in All You Do
When we think of happiness, we tend to equate it with tasks or activities that bring us enjoyment. But spiritual happiness and fulfillment can be cultivated even during the most menial or difficult tasks. Think of it this way...if you're going to be doing something, you can do it with resentment and complaints, or with cheerfulness. When you do things with an enthusiastic, sincere heart, greater spiritual happiness will come into your life.

Have a Sense of Humor
Having a good sense of humor helps us have a more positive outlook toward life. It can help us relate better with others, be better problem solvers, and allow us to access joy even during the most painful times. Having a sense of humor is not the same as laughing off, or ignoring one's problems. Instead, it loosens the rigidity within when we feel burdened or overwhelmed, allowing our outlook on life to be more light and flexible. It also helps us to not take ourselves too seriously. Think about the things in life that make you happy, look for the humor in life, and allow yourself to laugh.

The gift of spiritual happiness comes to us through greater understanding of who we are, and a deeper, more expanded awareness.Open your heart to this gift of happiness and allow your light to shine.
Recommended book: Choosing Happiness: Life And Soul Essentials by Stephanie Dowrick

Tuesday 12 October 2010 at 03:07 , 2 Comments

Cat Totem / Spirit Guide

Here is little something for everyone whose spirit guide is a cat...

Mystery, Magic and Independence
A cat totem encourages agility in both body and mind.
You will be challenged with new ideas and places.
The cat gives you clearer perception.
This spirit helper is resourceful, strong and fearless.
It will give you courage and confidence. 
Examine the colors, character and behaviors of your Cat.
Everything about it will reflect in your own life.
When a Cat becomes predominant in your life,
magic and mystery come alive.
Associated with the Norse Goddess of Fertility Freyja
and the Hindu Goddess of Childbirth, Shasthi
and of course, the Egyptian Goddess Bastet who takes the form of a cat.

The cat is a symbol of intuition and independence, and this is particularly true of the cat spirit guide. The domestic cat, along with close cousins the wildcats, offer powerful guidance to the shaman when they appear as an animal familiar. The shaman with a cat spirit guide is sure to always land on his or her feet!

Cat Power Animal Symbolizes Self-Assurance

Despite millennia in the company of man, the cat by no means considers itself to be inferior to its human companions. The cat simply radiates self-assurance, and he shares this noble quality with his human familiar. What a wonderful trait to enjoy on inner shamanic journeys which often present very unfamiliar and disorientating imagery.
The shamanic practitioner who calls upon on his or her totem cat is sure to draw much insight and perspective in the most unnerving of circumstances.

The Warm Love of the Cat Spirit Guide
The cat spirit guide can be very loving and affectionate, but on their own terms. Nobody should take the cat spirit guide for granted. The cat shaman him or herself can appear unpredictable, but in fact he or she has their own unique worldview in which every action makes sense. Often, intuition is more important than logic, as the cat’s wisdom is feminine and does not always bend in the face of sheer reason. But do not make the mistake of underestimating the powerful insight of the cat!
Those with a totem cat spirit guide are very likely to have a cat as a companion in the material realm, or at least to be deeply fascinated by the cats they encounter. Watch cats’ behavior closely as it will provide valuable clues about the wide variety of strengths and skills of the cat. All of these talents apply equally well in the spirit realm during shamanic journeys.

The Cat Animal Familiar can be Determined and Single Minded

The cat spirit guide can offer swiftness, single-mindedness and remarkable stealth! The cat’s unusual approach to many challenging situations that may be encountered on shamanic journeys can give speedy and unexpected breakthroughs. Anyone who has watched a cat stalk a mouse will know just how skilled he can be when pursuing a goal.

Shamans fortunate enough to have a cat power animal know an intuitive, self-assured and skilled companion on shamanic journeys.

How do you know if the cat is your totem? As with any animal totem it has to do more with how the animal relates with you spiritually than with personal preference. To discover if the cat is your totem think of whether images of the cat has shown up to you often during times of meditation or if cats seem to appear in your life more than other animals. Also, think of whether you particularly drawn to the strengths and characteristics of the cat such as curiosity, grace and cleverness.
The cat totem is one that encourages clear perception, an agile mind and body, strong resourcefulness and independence. The cat can also be a strong challenger, encouraging you to come up with new ideas and visit new places. Because of its quick and clever mind, the cat can offer helpful inspiration if you find yourself stuck in a problem or your creative juices feel depleted. If you’re looking for an added boost of courage or confidence, the cat is the totem to call upon.
A very interesting note about the cat is that their energy field is said to rotate in the opposite direction of the human energy field. Because of this it is believed that the energy of cats can neutralize any negative energy that may affect a human. For this reason cats are often viewed as powerful healers.

If the cat is your totem you most certainly have some powerful and mysterious energy in your life. And even if it is not your personal totem you can always call upon the energy of the cat to assist you in life when you feel it’s necessary.

Littlest lion, panther in miniature,
Help me on my magical endeavors,
Teach me to see my path through dark places,
Help me to sift the necessary from the unnecessary
And to relax and enjoy life.
Strenghten my magic and carry it to its destination.

By Elizabeth Farrell

Monday 11 October 2010 at 05:06 , 1 Comment

Celebrating Navaratri

"Nava-ratri" literally means "nine nights." This festival is observed twice a year, once in the beginning of spring and again at the onset of autumn.

What's the Significance of Navratri?
During Navaratri, we invoke the energy aspect of God in the form of the universal mother, commonly referred to as "Durga," which literally means the remover of miseries of life. She is also referred to as "Devi" (goddess) or "Shakti" (energy or power). It is this energy, which helps God to proceed with the work of creation, preservation and destruction. In other words, you can say that God is motionless, absolutely changeless, and the Divine Mother Durga, does everything. Truly speaking, our worship of Shakti re-confirms the scientific theory that energy is imperishable. It cannot be created or destroyed. It is always there.

Why Worship the Mother Goddess?
We think this energy is only a form of the Divine Mother, who is the mother of all, and all of us are her children. "Why mother; why not father?", you may ask. Let me just say that we believe that God's glory, his cosmic energy, his greatness and supremacy can best be depicted as the motherhood aspect of God. Just as a child finds all these qualities in his or her mother, similarly, all of us look upon God as mother. In fact, Hinduism is the only religion in the world, which gives so much importance to the mother aspect of God because we believe that mother is the creative aspect of the absolute.

Why Twice a Year?
Every year the beginning of spring and the beginning of autumn are two very important junctures of climatic change and solar influence. These two junctions have been chosen as the sacred opportunities for the worship of the divine power because:
(1) We believe that it is the divine power that provides energy for the earth to move around the sun, causing the changes in the outer nature and that this divine power must be thanked for maintaining the correct balance of the universe.
(2) Due to the changes in the nature, the bodies and minds of people undergo a considerable change, and hence, we worship the divine power to bestow upon all of us enough potent powers to maintain our physical and mental balance.

Why Nine Nights & Days?
Navaratri is divided into sets of three days to adore different aspects of the supreme goddess. On the first three days, the Mother is invoked as powerful force called Durga in order to destroy all our impurities, vices and defects. The next three days, the Mother is adored as a giver of spiritual wealth, Lakshmi, who is considered to have the power of bestowing on her devotees the inexhaustible wealth. The final set of three days is spent in worshipping the mother as the goddess of wisdom, Saraswati. In order have all-round success in life, we need the blessings of all three aspects of the divine mother; hence, the worship for nine nights.

Why Do You Need the Power?
Thus, I suggest you join worshipping "Ma Durga" during the Navaratri. She will bestow on you wealth, auspiciousness, prosperity, knowledge, and other potent powers to cross every hurdle of life. Remember, everyone in this world worships power, i.e., Durga, because there is no one who does not love and long for power in some form or the other.

Navaratri in Haidakhan Babaji Tradition
The followers of Haidakhan Babaji, who is believed to be incarnation of God Shiva, celebrate Navaratri the way He instructed us. Here, in Osijek, in Haidakhandi Love Center, celebrations are held every day in the morning (Yagya - a ceremony of Sacred Fire and offerings made to God and Goddess through that fire, Arati - daily offering of the Light to Deities and Paduka Puja - giving respect to Guru's feet by making different offerings) and evening (reading of Sapta Shati - scripture describing glories of Divine Mother and Arati - daily offering of the Light to Deities). I wish you all a special Navaratri, all the blessings of all forms of Divine Mother, Goddess, Durga, Shakti or however you would call Her............. Om Dum Durgayei Namaha.......

Thank you Ram for sharing with  us a glimpse into the Navaratri celebration in Osijek Love Centre

Sunday 10 October 2010 at 01:29 , 0 Comments

Power Of Thoughts - Affirm Yourself

I always choose the path of most love.
I choose love in every moment.
Everything I do adds love to the world.

I trust that everything comes at the perfect time and in the perfect way.
The universe works in perfect ways. It always serves my higher good.

Whatever I need to know is revealed to me.
Whatever I need comes to me in divine right order.
Everything I need, or need to know, is available to me in stillness.
Thank you, God, for opening my eyes to what I need to see.

My energy is open and flowing in every area of my life.
My days are filled with fun and meaningful activities.
My choices and possibilities are expanding every day.

My thoughts are loving and positive.
I expect only the best to happen and it does.

I focus on what I love and thus draw it to me.
As I do what I love, money and abundance flow freely to me.
I gladly and proudly accept all the abundance the universe has to offer.
I choose to live an abundant life.

I am not my body. I am not my mind. I am spirit.
I am a drop of God in a sea of God.
I am boundless love. I am infinite joy. I am inexhaustible energy.
I am radiant health. I am eternal youth. I am unlimited abundance.

I choose the path of kindness.

I allow myself to have more than I ever dreamed possible.

I open to all the gifts that the Universe is offering me.

Whatever happens, happens for good. There is good hidden inside every moment of my life. I see the brighter side of life and feel good. The universe is with me and it is doing what I want it to do for me.

We all make choices in life. I am the sum total of my choices which make me who I am. We are all of us unique.I celebrate what it is that makes me unique and unrepeatable.

I choose to take the necessary steps to make my dream dreams come true. My dreams are my reality.

I pray for others with all my heart. Happiness is my reward.

Every day is a new beginning -- Problems and mistakes of yesterday are now just memories of a lesson learned. I absorb the energy and possibilities of each new day, acknowledge the simple beauty that can be taken for granted, and look forward to tomorrow's new beginning.


Friday 8 October 2010 at 11:01 , 0 Comments

Which Wicca Are You?

Beginning Witch Craft: Which Witch Are You?

When you are beginning Wicca or Witch Craft, the first thing you must know is what sort to practice.
You need to find the version that will suit you best. There are many kinds of paganism, Wicca, and Witch Craft, and not all will work equally well for you.

Exploring Your Witch Craft

I recommend spending some time journalling on these questions:
  • What drew you to Wicca or Witchcraft in the first place?
  • What do you hope to get from being a Witch?
  • What moves your soul the most? Being quiet in nature, formal ritual, high drama, music and song, spiritual practices, magick, ...?
  • Do you like tradition and hierarchy, or spontaneous responses to your heart's promptings? Or a balance between the two?
  • How important to you is being able to work magick? What do you want to be able to do with your magick?
  • What are your esoteric skills or desires? Divination, psychic abilities, sensing others' emotions, sensing the Earth energy, feeling One with all existence, astral traveling, ...?
  • Do you prefer to do your spiritual work alone or with others? Or both?
  • Do you feel a particular affinity for plants, animals, devas, Gaia, the stars, ...?
  • Are you looking for a religion to practice from time to time, or something that permeates every aspect of your life?
  • Are there certain deities or cultures you resonate with?
  • What is the Divine, to you?
  • How important to you is living lightly on the Earth?
  • What are your long-term spiritual goals?
  • What are your values and ideals? What kind of person do you want to be?
  • Who are you? Underneath all your roles and masks, who are you, really?
There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. This exploration is simply a starting point for you to find out what kind of Wicca or Witchcraft will work for you.
Your answers will guide you to the right practice.

Follow Your Heart

There are more kinds of paganism, Wicca, and Witchcraft than I am thoroughly familiar with, so I can't guide you through all of them. You will need to do some research and probably try out a few. But here's what I can tell you...
Be true to your calling.
Whatever brings you to Witch Craft or Wicca in the first place is likely to be important to stick with. If it's worshipping nature or the Goddess or healing the planet or communicating with plants, that's the core of your practice.
(This is assuming, of course, that you didn't come to Wicca just because it's trendy to be Witches, or you're wanting power over your "enemies," or you're hoping to wiggle your nose and have your house clean itself. These may mature into a true calling. If not, you probably won't go far with your search.)
The one thing I wish to convey to you is that, whatever your soul's longing, there are Witches out there practicing something similar. You can find that path, or create it yourself.
Be blessed in your journey!

With Bright Blessings,

signature; click to write to erinBorrowed from Wicca Spirituality, a New Wicca for a New World

Tuesday 5 October 2010 at 03:51 , 0 Comments

A Wiccan Altar By Dragonsong

Do You Need A Wicca Altar? 

A Wicca altar is an important aspect of the Wiccan religion for many witches. A value that goes way beyond having someplace to put all your witchy stuff!

A Wicca Altar Is . . . 

A focal point and container for magickal energies.
A reminder of your ideals.
An echo of your beliefs and wishes.
A Home for the Divine.
And, perhaps most importantly, a Wiccan altar is a magickal "spell" for your success and well-being.

If you don't have one yet, you don't know what you're missing! Try it! An altar is a source of joy and a font of peace.And this section will tell you everything you need to know to get started.

Everything You Need To Know
About Your Wicca Altar

What really is an altar? What goes on an altar? How do you create and tend an altar? And why would you want an altar in the first place?Fabulous questions! I'm glad you asked. wicca-spirituality-winking_witch
Let's start at the beginning - the why - and work our way down to the details - the how.

Why Is A Wicca Altar Important?

Any altar is a symbolic manifestation of your innermost self.It is an expression of your heart's longing and your soul's potential.
It is also a focal point for your devotion . . . A spiritual practice arena for devotion to the Divine.

Temples Within And Without

We each have a Temple in our inner hearts. And any spiritual process is about entering and worshiping there. But it's not easy to access something so abstract.
So, like your symbols and tools and Gods and Goddesses, you create something that comes through the gate of your senses. Something you can see and smell and touch. Even hear and taste, if possible.
The more senses you engage, and the more you balance your sense perceptions, the more you can access the spiritual levels that you seek.
In this context, altars are not some esoteric mystery, but the most natural expression of what has value to you.

Natural Altars

So, in the broadest terms, an altar is any collection of items that are personally meaningful. Almost everyone has one . . . That collection of photographs on the bedside table. The mementoes that gather on the mantle place. These are altars to your loves and your life.
When you want to make an altar dedicated to your spiritual life, you simply focus a little more. You put only items that uplift your spirit and remind you of your ideals.
That's all any spiritual altar is - Wiccan or otherwise . . .

A symbol to help you remember . . .
  • Who you really Are,
  • Where you really come from, and
  • Where you are choosing to go! 

Your Altar Nourishes Your Soul

Once you make your first conscious altar, and discover how beautiful and nourishing it can be, you may find yourself wanting to make altars everywhere. Go for it! How could you possibly go wrong, bringing the blessings of the Divine wherever you are. Your office, your car, your bedroom, . . . all are perfect places for an altar.
. . . Because every altar becomes a home for what you enshrine there. When you create an altar to the Divine, She lives there.
(So behave accordingly!)

Your Inner Temple

You'll probably want to keep at least one altar private. Put it in a personal part of your house, or somewhere you can discretely close a door and keep it from sight.
This can be your innermost Temple's altar . . . the Heart of your witchy heart. This is where you can put your most personal and meaningful items.

The Power Of Keeping Silent

This privacy isn't about hiding. It's the Fourth Power of the Witch: holding silence.When something is very sacred, it's not easy to talk about it. The words don't exist, for one thing. Even more, the respect for Soul and Spirit isn't common in our culture.
So to expose your innermost Temple to idle curiosity, disdain, or ill intent is to open your Heart to violation and disperse the Power gathered by your altar.

Your Private Relationship With The Goddess

You will want to give your Wicca altar the respect it deserves. Especially once you've experienced the Power that your altar can move, in your life.Only those to whom you could safely entrust your most tender feelings should see this . . . if anyone. Even then, think about it carefully. There is no reason why you should share this altar at all.
Your spiritual life is between you and the Divine. Your Wicca altar is the outward manifestation of this relationship. It can be kept completely confidential.
Sometimes the most sacred things need to be kept silent about.
Your relationship with the Divine is the deepest of relationships. Just as you are unlikely to let people watch while you and your beloved are making love (or so I assume wicca-altar-winking_witch), keep your most personal altar truly sacred.
All your other altars can be as open as you (and they) like.

It's Simple

A Wicca altar doesn't have to be complicated or costly. You don't really need anything other than what you have on hand, or can easily find for free.You don't even need a specially designed altar table. Many people set up altars in convenient places, like an end table, a dresser, a mantle, even on top of the tv! For a private altar, a hutch with closing doors, or a bedside table can work well.
And don't forget your outdoor spaces - perfect for Wicca altars!
  • Old stumps,
  • Hollows or nooks in trees,
  • On top of stones,
  • Beside creeks,
  • Small caves . . .
Anyplace you aren't likely to step or sit on it, you can set up a little altar.

Tending Your Wicca Altar

Tending an altar is a wonderful spiritual practice that anyone can do. It's very forgiving, as spiritual practices go. Which makes it perfect for those of us who are not yet particularly disciplined. winking_witch

The Magick In A Wicca Altar

The benefits of tending your altar are not all in the spiritual realm. Your daily life will reflect what's happening on your altar. In other words, when you make changes on your altar, you will alter your life.
If you feel stuck at work, for instance, alter things in the spiritual realm. Clean your altar thoroughly. Put on a fresh altar cloth in a bright colour. Decorate it with some new Wiccan stuff. And then watch your life transform.
This magickal benefit creates motivation to keep your altar devotion up.


Some people will try to tell you that you absolutely must have this or that on your Wicca altar. If so, smile politely, say thank you, and walk away.It's your altar. And it's your spiritual Path. There are no rules for what kind of Wiccan stuff you put there, except the Silver Rule - do what works for you. Be creative. When making a Wicca altar, let your heart speak. Let your inner magickal child express the wonder and delight in the world that you once had.
This is your pure divine self expressing itself.
And that's what spiritual practice is all about.

With Bright Blessings,

Dragonsong sig

 Borrowed from Wicca Spirituality, a New Wicca for a New World

Hope this helps you if you had any doubts about how to make your Wiccan altar, it helped me, blessed be..



at 01:04 , 0 Comments