When many of us try to define happiness, we often equate it with such things as financial security, getting married, having friends or material abundance. Society often tells us, in a myriad of subtle and not so subtle ways, that happiness comes from something outside ourselves. If we make more money, lose weight, buy the newest electronic gadget, etc., etc., we will be happier people. But, in reality, that's not the case. Because happiness, true happiness, comes from within ourselves. This deep happiness that resides within us can be known as spiritual happiness.
Spiritual happiness is characterized by an easy, flowing joy, along with contentment, gratitude and self-acceptance. When a person is spiritually happy, they are in tune with themselves as well as the world around them. They live in harmony with the flow of life, and are aware that life holds a much deeper meaning than what appears on the surface. For many people, it may seem that spiritual happiness is impossible to achieve. But through deeper awareness and daily practice, this can become a natural state of being.
A Brief Note- Because there are a wide variety of beliefs and religions in the world, higher source is referred to by many different names such as God, Creator, Allah, Source, etc. For the sake of simplicity, this higher source will be referred to as God in this
Know Who You Are
An important part of spiritual happiness is understanding who you are, and learning to respect your own, unique self. We are all expressions of God, by whichever name we recognize God to be, and you are no different. Honor that expression by understanding your nature, and nurturing the gifts and qualities God has given you. When you understand and respect yourself, you're able to live more harmoniously with the world around you.
Remember Your Essence
As you get to know who you are as a person, take it a step further by remembering your essence. Also known as your soul, your essence goes beyond your appearance and personality to
who you really are. It is the true You that is always at one with creation. Rather than looking outward for approval, attention, riches, etc., get in touch with the wealth of wisdom and love within your soul. This is best done in a state of stillness, such as meditation or quiet contemplation. When you remember your essence, you deepen your connection with God, thus tapping into the infinite source of joy and love.
Be Thankful
As humans, we often fall into the habit of comparing ourselves with others, and focusing on what we're lacking. These comparisons, and the sense of lack, can leave us feeling dissatisfied and spiritually disconnected. But
gratitude has a way of bringing our focus to what is truly important. It softens the heart, letting contentment and joy enter the soul. Count your blessings every day, no matter how small that blessing may seem. Make it a habit to say "thank you" to God when you awaken in the morning. Focus on what is good in your life, rather than falling into the habit of comparing.
Find Happiness in All You Do
When we think of happiness, we tend to equate it with tasks or activities that bring us enjoyment. But spiritual happiness and fulfillment can be cultivated even during the most menial or difficult tasks. Think of it this way...if you're going to be doing something, you can do it with resentment and complaints, or with cheerfulness. When you do things with an enthusiastic, sincere heart, greater spiritual happiness will come into your life.
Have a Sense of Humor
Having a good sense of humor helps us have a more positive outlook toward life. It can help us relate better with others, be better problem solvers, and allow us to access joy even during the most painful times. Having a sense of humor is not the same as laughing off, or ignoring one's problems. Instead, it loosens the rigidity within when we feel burdened or overwhelmed, allowing our outlook on life to be more light and flexible. It also helps us to not take ourselves too seriously. Think about the things in life that make you happy, look for the humor in life, and allow yourself to laugh.
The gift of spiritual happiness comes to us through greater understanding of who we are, and a deeper, more expanded awareness.Open your heart to this gift of happiness and allow your light to shine.
Recommended book: Choosing Happiness: Life And Soul Essentials by Stephanie Dowrick